Selfie in diagnosing cancer

Scientists have designed a revolutionary new cancer screening tool that they believe can diagnose pancreatic cancer by analysing a user’s selfie. Early screening for pancreatic cancer is critical, since it has one of the lowest survival rates among all cancers. The technology, called ‘BiliScreen’ detect changes in the colour of a person’s sclera (white of…

Is Blockchain the answer?

Public expenditure on health care and long-term care has been increasing over the last decades in all EU Member States. In 2015, it accounted for 8.7% of GDP in the EU and could reach up to 12.6% of GDP in 2060, according to the Joint Report on Health Care and Long-term Care Systems and Fiscal…

What is Presenteeism?

According to Integrated Benefits Institute data poor health takes approximately $576 billion annually out of the U.S. economy with 39 percent of that being attributed to lost productivity due to absenteeism and presenteeism. How companies can reduce the costs of “missed work”? One of the strategies is to implement a supportive work environment with new… – The Global Clinic Rating

The GCR (also known as the “Global Clinic Rating”) is the world’s largest medical clinic standards & accreditation body, daily monitoring almost 500,000 medical facilities worldwide across 126 countries, with 2000+ medical clinics now GCR verified or accredited. The GCR accreditation is based on factual data – looking at the level of expertise, facilities, services…

Monitoring medical tourism trends

Only a few years ago, medical tourism was a blip in overall global tourism spending. Today, it is a multi-billion dollar industry that is expected to increase by up to 25 percent per year over the next 10 years. Using Visa transaction data we can see how much medical tourism has grown and project future…

Healthier after Brexit?

” On 21 March 2016, the Telegraph published the views of UKIP’s health affairs spokesperson, Louise Bours MEP, under the headline ‘Britain’s NHS can’t survive staying in the EU’. Her argument is that the EU referendum gives us a choice between the NHS or the EU, ‘because we can’t have both’. At a cross-party conference…